Welcome to Kingston Community School
Kingston Community School is a Reception – Year 12 school located in the Limestone Coast district.
Whilst there have been schools in the area for over 125 years, the current site was opened in 1986 in the grounds of Gall Park; a focus area of recreation for the local community.
A unique joint-use agreement between the school and local community has seen expansive recreation facilities established and maintained on the site, including a 25-metre swimming pool, football oval, cricket nets, tennis and netball courts, squash courts and gymnasium.
Our School
Our belief
Staff, students and caregivers at Kingston Community School are committed to continuously improving their actions to ensure personalised education for all. The school is committed to fostering partnerships between families, as they are key to supporting student learning. We recognise student voice is vital in this partnership along with disciplinary knowledge and challenging tasks.
We believe that all students are capable of success across the Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Curriculum and South Australian Certificate of Education, and that our learning programs will equip all students to engage in future employment and civic life both locally and globally.
All Educators at Kingston Community School have a responsibility to ensure that all young people have the level of literacy and numeracy that enables them to engage with, and succeed in, the world beyond the school gate.
At Kingston Community School we foster a STEM approach, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity & curiosity, communication, teamwork, innovation & entrepreneurship and adaptability.
We believe in success for all.
Our facilities
We prioritise small class sizes, particularly in Junior Primary and Senior Secondary areas, to ensure student success and provide students with access to a wide range of specialist facilities and teachers from an early age. Our specialist facilities include an expansive agricultural learning area, new STEM learning spaces including two makers spaces and a technology hub, a new senior science and science laboratories, dedicated languages (German) room, drama and music suite, a refurbished technologies area with a laser cutter and 3d printers and a variety of physical education areas. In the past years there has been considerable investment in information technology infrastructure with the acquisition of new interactive SMART boards (STEM spaces) or data projectors in each classroom. Students in years 9-12 are issued with laptops to assist them with their learning, and all students have access to two dedicated technology areas, Ipads and computers on wheels (COWS).
Our pathways
Kingston Community School offers a diverse range of subject offerings consistent with the requirements of the Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Curriculum and South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), as well as local needs. As such, a range of vocational and tertiary study pathways are offered to students, both on and offsite, in order to prepare them for postschool life. Our SACE results consistently exceed state averages and there is a strong tradition of students gaining access to high demand university courses across a wide range of learning areas. In 2018, 100% of Year 12 students achieved their SACE, with four students achieving an ATAR score of 90 or above. One student received an ATAR of 99.0 and another student received a Governor’s Commendation for both academic achievement and service to the school and community. Our senior secondary offerings include: Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Modern History, English Communication, Open Access German, Information Processing and Publishing, Workplace Practices, Technologies (Furniture), Technologies (welding), Agriculture, Food and Hospitality, Physical Education, Nutrition, Research Project A and B.
Our library
The library is an outstanding facility available to both the school and community, offering both printed and online resources and access to over 13 million items through the statewide OneCard system. The library promotes lifelong learning and is a friendly place for families to come and share their love of reading with each other. Through the library, Kingston Community School offers early childhood education through Baby Bounce and Playgroup in Schools programs for 0-5 year olds, which promote learning through play and learning in everyday activities. These programs foster literacy and numeracy development, creativity and fun, and encourage families to learn and play together.
Our staff
Staff at Kingston Community School utilise the teaching standards described in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers as the benchmark for their performance and are committed to continued professional development, including Learning Design Assessment and Moderation (LDAM) processes and STEM learning, to ensure students are provided with up-to-date and relevant learning opportunities to actively engage their interests and prepare them for their future career paths.
Click here to enter Kingston Community School Library
Click here to enter Kingston District Council Website
Our Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge and respect the Traditional Custodians of Country, the Meintangk/Moandik peoples, on whose Ancestral Lands we live, learn, work, visit and travel. We respect the Elders past, present, and emerging, as we move forward as one nation.
Information & Policies
Parent & Student Information
Parent Information
Student Information
The following documents give details on the offerings at Kingston Community School for the current year.
Student Enrolment Package
Follow the steps below to become a registered volunteer at Kingston Community School.
Step 1
Download Media Consent Form – Adult
Complete the form.
Download Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement
Complete the form.
Step 2
Download Kingston Community School Volunteer Handbook and Volunteer Information
Read the information carefully.
Step 3
Access RAN Training – Responding to abuse and neglect
Register and complete online.
Step 4
Make an appointment at the school to see The Business Manager to start the DCSI Clearance Check process.
The school will lodge your application and when the Police check is cleared you will be eligible to be a registered volunteer
School Policies
- Anti Bullying
- Attendance Policy
- Bus Travel Procedures
- Bushfire Action Plan
- Drug Policy
- Grievance Procedures
- Homework
- Lesson Times
- Mobile phone and personal electronic device policy
- Parent Complaints Policy
- School Rules
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Behaviour Management
- School Device User Agreement
- Sun Safe Policy
- Transition To School Reception
- Transition To Secondary School
- Uniform

Our Belief at Kingston Community School
Staff, students and caregivers at Kingston Community School are committed to continuously improving their actions to ensure personalised education for all. The school is committed to fostering partnerships between families, as they are key to supporting student learning. We recognise student voice is vital in this partnership along with disciplinary knowledge and challenging tasks.
We believe that all students are capable of success across the Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Curriculum and South Australian Certificate of Education, and that our learning programs will equip all students to engage in future employment and civic life both locally and globally.
All Educators at Kingston Community School have a responsibility to ensure that all young people have the level of literacy and numeracy that enables them to engage with, and succeed in, the world beyond the school gate.
At Kingston Community School we foster a STEM approach, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity & curiosity, communication, teamwork, innovation & entrepreneurship and adaptability.
We believe in success for all.

School Contact
Kingston Community School
46 East Terrace, Kingston SE SA 5275
46 East Terrace, Kingston SE SA 5275
Education Office
Mount Gambier
South East Coast & Vines
CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A
Enquiry form
Feedback & complaints
Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.